Non-Reversing Garage Door Hazards
When we inspect a home, we test all aspects of a garage door’s functionality. We routinely see door defects pertaining to the manual quick-release or a missing safety wire. However, the non-reversing automatic feature is a safety hazard that warrants [...]
How to Avoid Overloaded Circuits with Christmas Lights
If your goal is to take your holiday lights display to the next level, you might want to consider the risks involved with an overloaded circuit. It’s unlikely you’ll cause a blackout to your entire city. However, you certainly can [...]
Water and Your Masonry Chimney
The chimney is one of the most taken-for-granted parts of a home. We don’t pay it much attention but masonry chimney defects are frequently flagged in my inspections. Regular chimney maintenance is essential to prevent damage, deterioration, and future high-cost [...]
Is My Attic Properly Insulated?
I inspect a great deal of older Twin Cities’ homes built between 1920-1960 that are insulated improperly. Many of them have added attic insulation in the wrong places, so I want to help clients understand the impact. What’s the big [...]
House Hunting? Check Out These 7 Areas Before You Make an Offer
I don’t like to see clients spend money on a home inspection and quickly realize they should never have made an offer in the first place. Find the right house, THEN invest the money to make a deep-dive home inspection [...]
Does My Home Have Moisture Intrusion?
We in Minnesota are bracing for the transition from one wet season to the next, praying our homes aren’t impacted by “moisture intrusion”. I’ve had two requests for these specific investigations this week so I wanted to shed a little [...]
Why Your Home Needs Egress Windows
In recent weeks I’ve inspected several homes with egress window deficiencies. This is fairly common in older Twin Cities’ homes. They were built long before there were any egress window requirements. People often assume that their property is “grandfathered-in”. The [...]
Selling Your Home? 10 Tips to Prepare for Your Home Inspection
People often ask what they should do to get ready for their home inspection. Taking a few thoughtful steps can certainly speed up the sale and your home inspection will go more smoothly with fewer concerns to delay closing. Here’s [...]
Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist
Fall is upon us and Minnesota-winter will be here before any of us would like to admit! I recommend taking advantage of these moderate temps by scheduling routine maintenance or repairing any outdoor damage before the first frost sets in. [...]
Removing Moss and Algae from Your Roof
One important part of my job is inspecting the roof-covering system of a home. Yesterday, in Eagan, I encountered an issue fairly common in Minnesota due to our climate. I want to shed some light on the subject of how [...]